Yesterday Kersten, Kevin and Sophie came for the official Thanksgiving Day. The day was full of good food, visiting and of course I had a bit of a job jar. It sure feels good to get it empty but it is humbling to ask for help.
Today Carrie and Megan came and sure enough, we had good food. Megan said it was better than the fare they had had yesterday at her aunts, but then she may have been a bit partial to Grammie’s.
By the time the girls left for Eden Prairie, Megan had sewn a new pair of PJ pants. It was a practice pair with the hope that more will be put out as she is planning for some Christmas giving. It gave her an idea of what went into the entire process. Lots of giggles and laughs but the best part was, no seams needed to be ripped out for a re-do.
Thanksgiving is important enough that it should last for more than one day and I enjoyed every bit of the food prep as I knew I had great backup from Dennis . . . my major elf takes up the soap bubbles to do dishes.