Worth Waiting For
As I headed out for my walk this morning, I couldn’t help but think that a day such as this was worth waiting for. Fierce winds have subsided, storm threats have passed us, and . . . no bugs.
This morning as I headed down Stauffer Avenue, I knocked on our neighbor’s back door and then stepped back at least six feet. Chuck and Bonnie spend the winters with family in the southern states. The day after the snow birds were back, Chuck fell and broke five ribs on his left side. Now, after a month, I thought I could at least say “Welcome home and how are you healing?” Our small band of friends and neighbors on Stauffer Avenue needs to stay connected.
Dennis had picked up a cold or perhaps it is a sinus infection. I stared him on some over-the-counter meds yesterday. They don’t interfere with his prescription meds but they do make him droopy. When I came back from my walk . . . where was Dennis? It took some checking. The coffee cup and pack of cigarettes were still on the table in the patio porch. Dennis doesn’t go far without these. The pickup was still in the garage. As I was walking past it to check the car garage . . . I found Dennis. Dennis had the seat in the pickup reclined and he was napping. Of course he had the windows up or a cat would have been right in there with him. I watched and when I realized his breathing was steady . . . I left him to it. A nap when you are not up to par is a good thing. Two hours later, I did gently knock on the window to wake him up. He did comment it was pretty cozy for napping. More napping would have screwed up his bedtime. My, oh my.
Knowing that Dennis was safe and sound, I headed for the sewing studio and was determined today would be the last day of having the hexagon project in limbo. It’s not like I didn’t enjoy the challenge . . . I did. The base fabric that all the triangles had been cut out of was not one that I would have ever looked at twice when standing in a fabric store with hundreds of bolts of beautiful prints. This print had caught Rita’s eye, more than likely as she was standing in a fabric store and seeing it done as a finished project. What was a bit of an irk for me, had a lot to do with the fact that for the size of the end result . . . 55″ x 65″, there had been many hours of piecing and ironing, opening all the seams on the six pieces of the hexagon.
Nonetheless. It is finished. I had fabric for the border and I had fabric to use for the backing and binding. It will be the new cover-up when Dennis decides to take his naps in the recliner in the living room. It will not be going out to the napping annex, aka: his pickup.
After the long nap, Dennis can now be found at the site where his nephew is pouring concrete. They are always in need of a straw boss. I need to get out the basement Filter Queen vacuum and start on all the threads that I have flung at will. After a while, aiming for the waste basket looses it’s importance.