Worth a Try
This morning Dennis left home for Sioux Falls to pick his son Kenny up at the airport. I left for Windom which is 26 miles down the highway to the west.
I was on my way to Runnings in Windom. I thought the hanging fly traps were worth a try. This season the biting flies have been worse than the mosquitoes. I purchased three of them for the price of $5.95 each. If one works near our patio and fills the bag, we will have several backups. As per neighbor Jan, they last about a week and a half. When the bag is full the cover is pushed down and it goes in the trash. The label said it would take anywhere from one to three hours for the attraction to begin. It was more like fifteen minutes and there was a group of the greasy green looking flies waiting their turn to crawl on in.
It is now the afternoon and we are awaiting some rain as per the warnings for our area. I do hear thunder. The fellows are home safe and sound from the airport in Sioux Falls. Kenny is using the little red pickup to visit some friends in town. He will have until Tuesday evening to get that job done as his flight is Wednesday morning out of Sioux Falls. For me there is no crush and rush of any plans yet to be put in place for the picnic tomorrow. Pre-planning makes all the difference in the world.
Dennis is watching a rodeo on the RFD channel and Snuggles is close by. His three patio porch cats always stay near when there is thunder in the distance. Maybe they have heard the blurb that if you can hear thunder there is a definite danger of being struck by lightning.
This evening is the calm before the storm . . . multi family picnics . . . there is no calm. 24 hours from now the calm will return to Stauffer Avenue. Praise be to God. I wanted to do this for Dennis. Dennis’ family needs to realize that making memories with him is in a priceless time frame . . . maybe they don’t realize that. My thinking is often quite different from others.
Right now, it is 3:30 and my newly seeded area of the lawn is getting a good soaking. There is some wind but it doesn’t seem to threatening. Time for us to enjoy the rest of the afternoon and evening.