Working Together

Fall means that our potting shed is going to get a workout. Dennis stated this morning that it would be a working day making use of the warm temperatures. I am quite sure he heard the forecast of cool days with a chance of rain. Garden art is fun to put out in the spring. October means the end of the flourishing gardens and time to button up. We have taken note that some homes leave out the garden art twelve months of the year. We are of the mindset that perhaps next spring may bring a change of heart or change of physical endurance and low and behold there is a yard left with much to contend with.

It is just a good feeling to have the garden art tucked away where it is dry. Nothing is worse than working with cold fingers or worse yet, cold wet fingers. The patio umbrella will take center stage with the push lawn mowers snuggled right up next to it. The day went well and we fought the good fight against the no see um biting bugs, the Boxelder bugs and the late hatch of stinging mosquitoes. After today, this will give Dennis a chance to get the snowblower out and tuned up before it is needed. I will go back to my fall house cleaning taking a stance against the dust bunnies.