Wise Choices
The days leading up to the 4th of July were fairly mild. Temps in the mid seventies and dew points in the 40s. What better time to put our backs into it and do the worst first. Worst meaning “one cup of coffee” will suffice. Dennis and I are pretty independent. It takes a whole lot for us to cry “Uncle.” It may take us a bit longer than normal and we are not afraid of voicing our differences in an octave above normal . . . we stay at it until the job is done or at lease one or the other of us has wore the other down as to how the job should get started so it can get done.

We will be spending many happy miles in our rockers.
Right now we feel that our porch is just the best thing since sliced bread. It smells new, it feels new and we are avoiding the guilty stares from out cats as all of the soft cushions from the chairs have been burned. There are baskets up in the rafters of both the car and the pickup stalls that they all frequent, there are two baskets within the porch proper, and two little tufts on two chairs that humans would not be comfortable in. So be it!

Everybody gets a tricked out place on Stauffer Avenue.
Yesterday the construction crew of Stauffer Avenue tackled the multi-story birdhouse that was in need of repair. Our planning paid off and Dennis had the minimal amount of time needed to be on the ladder. Several days before we tried out our “9001 Glue” for effectiveness. We were pleased in its strength and the fact it is stated to be waterproof. We Glued the birdhouse onto the green treat plywood. After drying for 24 hours we put screws through the bottom of the plywood into the base of the birdhouse. Yesterday we put glue onto the base of the green treated post that was very stable in the garden. A piece of Black Walnut was then screwed onto the post. After a good dry time, Dennis slathered glue onto the Black Walnut before we set the unit with the birdhouse onto it and applying the screws for a tight bond.
Wearing ourselves out, we sat in our tricked out porch. We both nodded our heads, the birdhouse never had looked better. It didn’t take long a wren warbled an agreement.
Today the heat and humidity has hit hard and we are very thankful for the wise choices we made. The to-d0 list looks very short. Life on Stauffer couldn’t get any sweeter.