Which One

Which one of my peoples is needed today . . . the huge question.

I am ahead of the tidy, tidy on the first floor.  No housekeeper needed there.  The mid afternoon finds the laundry done.  No laundress needed.  Left-overs from yesterday is the fare for this evening’s supper.  The cook is off the hook.

Sometimes when the ole cowboy has more aches and pains than I can list . . . here comes the in-house witch doctor.  That is the person needed for the day.  Tomorrow I will give him a hug, pat him on the butt and send Dennis off to the clinic.  Dennis was just there last Tuesday for lab work.  I got a call on Friday that his doctor wants to see him as his kidney function results need to be retested.  When Sandy was here last Thursday I shared the results with her.  She felt that the results were not alarming considering his age.  As long as the clinic is 5 minutes away, another visit can’t hurt.  Dennis and his girls know he was born with one of of his kidneys slightly smaller than the other.  Tomorrow Dennis will see if his doctor knows that.  It may be either a CAT scan or an ultra-sound that may be needed.  

All things considered, Dennis is a very good patient.  If his tail-bone didn’t hurt so bad, his mood would be a lot better.

I am so fortunate that I know the origin of where my pain comes from and I also know that there is only so much that can be done for arthritis.  I am doing and I am taking what I can to squelch it as best I can.  I keep moving in and around our home.  Not giving the muscles a chance to atrophy any more than they may already be.  The stronger the muscles, the more the joints have a chance for mobility.

I believe the best item in my day-to-day toolbox is my sense of humor.  Being able to laugh at myself takes the edge off.  Starting off each day with a new attitude, as I sure as hell don’t need a re-run of yesterday.  There is nothing to change the outcome, but today may be full of possibilities.

With that I will take my leave.  ♥