Whew – Can We Stop Now?
It sure has been a good day though it seems to be lasting forever. Dennis and I were in sync today and we got a lot of items sorted and moved and even managed to give a few things away.
It’s not as if we are short of storage space as we have more square footage in garages and a potting shed than in total of the first floor of our home, the basement and the walk up attic. It’s just a matter of the moon being in the right phase and multiple pots of coffee. I admit I have my stuff and so I honor Dennis’ stuff. I just wanted Dennis’ stuff to be all in one location rather than having it dribble over an expanse of — everywhere. The back two and a half stall garage just seemed to be the perfect place to have it all safe and sound under lock and key. The basement is where me and my stuff hang out on a pretty regular basis. The seven hundred and twenty square feet of our home really can’t support more than the normal coming and going of an average day from sun up to nightfall. The size of our home is “if you don’t mind, it don’t matter.” The secret is to keep it tidy with no extra clutter.
We are calling it a day, a successful day. For some reason when we start out the day at the Super 8 swimming pool the burst of energy just keeps us going. As I am looking at Dennis and reading to him what I am typing he is shaking his head in the negative and pointing to me. O.K. I own it. The work out at the pool keeps me going and going and going. Catch ya later.