What a Whirl Wind
Dennis and I have waited for Megan and Nicholas to come for a visit the last two years. This weekend has been a total joy. I have no idea where to begin . . . yeah, right.
Jeremy and Carrie brought the kids on Friday right at noon. They stayed for a short time. The kids were hungry and so the weekend began.
Within an hour of their arrival, Megan and Nicholas were ready for the Super 8 pool. We did not return home until four in the afternoon. That does remind me, I was a punch short on the pool pass. I will need to get back to them so Dennis and I stay in good standing with them.

It would be very hard to crop this photo, as the Maple tree is just awesome as the kids who are in it. It is perfect for kids to climb in and enjoy. We did measure the diameter and it came in at a whooping 19 feet.
The kids brought their tablets, but the covers on them have barely been touched. The kids play so well together. The treat of just listening to them as they create story lines for the ice cream pails of the Schleich animals that the kids have collected from the Fleet and Farm store here in St. James. Each time they came, a trip was awarded for several more animals to be added. I have found it to be a great investment of the untold hours the kids have played with them ever since Megan was 2.
My quiet time is just about up. We prepared root beer floats for them after we enjoyed an old time wiener roast, complete with eating roasted marshmallows off of the stick. I took Nicholas through the Spider Solitaire and he loves to commandeer my laptop. With the Disney channel on the television, all he needs to do is peek over the top of the laptop and take in what is currently playing.
These last two days have been amazing and I will keep it close to my heart until they can come again. I know Grandpa Dennis has a few things planned for tomorrow forenoon, Sunday, before we will meet the kid’s parents in Mankato.