What a Great Gray Day

Metallic Bias Tape Project
Though I usually prefer sunshine, this is a good day. I had a long conversation with my physical therapist this morning. I will be passing on any surgery for my back. It’s official. Mike said he would work with me for as many times as it takes to release the muscles, tendons, ham strings, etc. that have been knotted up by the lower back having literally slipped a cog. I have a host of exercises to do at home to assist the lower lumber to behave itself in addition to a back brace. I know I can do this! I am still gaining mobility in the latest and greatest new shoulder and I am not going to give the body one more item (back surgery) to contend with. Amen to that issue.
This afternoon in the quiet of my sewing room, I have felt like Rumpelstiltskin. I have had a pattern for some time using metallic bias tape on fabric, allowing for a stained glass appearance. What better way to celebrate a new mind set, but to break out the fabrics. It is going to be a slow process, but then my sister, Elvera, knows I like to putz with the intricate. Gray days and sunny days, I intend to have many good days this fall.