What a Day

Getting up at seven, it is at least daylight.  A dusting of snow looked like a covering on the driveway.

Dennis decided he wasn’t in the mood for the patio porch and he opted for his recliner.

I had my sites on some tidy, tidy on the first floor.  We have shelving on the east wall of the kitchen.  As I ran my first full glass of drinking water to start the day, I stood with my back against the kitchen counter and I thought . . . how much more clutter could the shelving and counter top hold!  It is so easy to pick up something and park it where it should not be.  I knew I had to have a cup of coffee before tackling it.

It took several trips to the basement pantry with extra items before a check on the east wall of the kitchen passed mustard.  A second cup of coffee and the kitchen countertop was the next to get tackled.  The whole idea of the pantry in the basement was to let our tiny kitchen’s minimal sink countertop allow for food prep.  Surprisingly, having dirty dishes pile up is not an issue.  Either one of us will clean up after supper.  Cleaning products do have room under the sink . . . if they just get put there.

The sun was so bright, I couldn’t help but get dressed and push away the snow from the back door and also make a path to the service door of the garage.  The areas for the bins for garbage and recycling also got a clean-out.  The winds from the north were plenty brisk.  I decided one more cup of coffee was waiting for me inside.  When I got inside I fired up the HP.  When I saw on the bottom task bar how cold it was outside . . . wow.  I did get my share of fresh air with my small jaunt of pushing a bit of snow.  

All Dennis had on his plate today was to be at the eye clinic in town by 1 pm for his eye injection.  After he left I got items together for an oven meal.  How much easier when there is room on the countertop.  The kitchen will feel the extra warmth when the oven dish gets popped in at 4:30.  We stick to having our evening meal no later than 5:30.

I spent some time in the studio cleaning up around the sewing machine.  I had quite a few spools of thread that needed to be put back in their boxes as going forward, the white spool of thread will suffice.  After trimming up some blocks of the mini-quilt, I could feel when enough was enough.  Tomorrow is another day and I don’t want to overdue the trimming with the rotary cutter.  It is a fair amount of repetition in gripping the handle of it with enough pressure to cut.

My hope is that everyone stay safe.  When Dennis came home from being out and about he commented that the snow was moving out in the open making visibility slim to none.