We’ve Got This

Keeping busy is a slam dunk for the two older ones on Stauffer Avenue.  

The first thing on the agenda for me was to take a long walk on the Hammond Highway just north of our driveway.  My favorite place to walk as it is a hard surface road and the shoulders are wide.  Right now Stauffer Avenue is a mud trail.  I do not enjoy cleaning off my walking shoes as they are also my favorite shoes to be in the sewing studio.  Lena always warned that standing on concrete floors with poor shoes would make the legs ache later on.  She was a firm believer that the legs would draw bad moisture from the bare concrete.

Dennis-At-WorkWith us having a different vehicle in the garage this year, Dennis had ample room to work on his wood project.  It also is right by the furnace register, so he stays warm with just a shirt on.  This particular shirt of his has been on a few other paint projects.  Dennis admits it might take him a while as there is no end to the paint layers he is finding.

Pinwheel-ProgressThe pinwheel quilt blocks are twirling right along.  The quest is to have all the points meet in the middle.  It’s all about the consistent seam allowance.  I know I will be raiding the scrap box before long as it is taking a lot of pieces.  I am fussy about using 100% cotton throughout.  I am not fussy about the combination of colors.  Hey!  It’s a scrappy quilt.

We’ve got this!  We will keep each other busy in the coming months.  Life of Stauffer is very sweet.