Wet Day

I had errands to run and mid-way, I came home to change into a dry jacket.  Putting up umbrellas doesn’t go real swiftly for me.

I have my pre-op physical ready for the Monday cataract surgery.  I got a prescription of Mometasone Furoate .1% to finally put the chigger discomfort to rest.  This creme added to Calamine lotion several times a day should knock it out.  I may be very sensitive to histamine and need a bit of help to knock it out.  Who knew!

Two inches of rain was not needed.  We are very thankful that the rain came with no storms.  Going to sleep with lightning in the north skies was lulling.  Eventually it will all dry out and we live to see another day.

Tomorrow the ole cowboy has a 83rd birthday.  I am trying to talk him into going out for a birthday supper . . . outside of the norm.  That may well be a challenge.

Tomorrow I need to set my alarm so I can be fresh and bright for my physical therapy appointment at 8:45.  We are gaining on the ham string.  In the afternoon I have an acupuncture appointment for my neck.  It may sound daunting but I am gaining on all points.  My family doctor this afternoon encouraged me to stay on point for success.  He is an amazing family doctor for me.  

Dennis has started supper and I am going to encourage him.  Gotta love the guy!