Well Done

Well done to the older ones on Stauffer Avenue.  The rain seemed to be hovering all day.  The winds were ramping up and we put our heads down and continued on.

I can now say that the linear siding on the north and south sides of the garage have had whatever paint was loose or threatening to want to chip off has been scrapped and brass brushed off.  Next for Grammie will be the vertical side boards on the garage . . . on another day.  The winds kept me cool and the best thing is that when the temps ramp up next week I won’t be scrapping the siding, standing in the reflection of what white paint remains on the garage.  Another blessing . . . no bugs.

Dennis had a great day staining Roger the Moose in the pickup garage.  Dennis was right on.  Roger soaked up the cedar stain like a sponge.  Lots of exposed wood that needed to be touched via the brush.  Dennis is going to leave the pickup outside one more night for a second coat to be put on Roger the Moose.  Hopefully tomorrow my arms will feel like taking a photo.  I admit, the scrapping and staining is tough on these two older ones.  We suck it up and get it done.  Stubbornness pays off. 

Right now, the skies look like they could open up with rain showers.  Bring it on.  Dennis and I transplanted some of our neighbor Bob’s Ostrich Ferns last night after supper.  There is a planter on the southwest corner of the house that had housed cactus.  The cactus got nasty with overrun limbs that broke off and were not the best to be around.  We pulled them out several years ago.  Trying various plants unsuccessfully the last years, Dennis and I looked over at Bob’s and decided to give the ferns a run for the money.  Grandma Esther Schafer always had ferns growing around her home in Hector.  Time will tell.

Thankfully we have leftovers of the scalloped potatoes from last night.  Neither Dennis nor I have a lot of energy left.  Beside that, the refrigerator got unplugged this morning.  I have swapped out towels in the inside to soak up water of what may have been a problem that was running the refrigerator freezer amok by freezing to a temp of “zero.”  The basement refrigerator is harboring goodies.  Tomorrow after the first floor unit has had a good cleaning, we will see what happens when it is plugged in again.  Truth or dare!  Dennis and I are going to take a wait and see attitude.  Shopping for a new unit is not out of the realm as to what will be needed.  

Dennis and I will sleep well this evening.  Being good stewards is what life is all about.