We got home from our Arizona trip the second week in October. Confessions are good: I have been using my laptop since then without any type of virus protection. At one of the motels along the way, the laptop hiccuped. Before using my computer with their access, there was a warning that my information may be shared as it was connected on an open network. Yup. I needed to restore it to a previous time and my Kaspersky virus protection went by the wayside.
I have meant to take care of this for the last several weeks. Each day as I spent time on the laptop, it felt like the naughty devil was sitting on my shoulder, just waiting for me to strike a computer key that would blow it up and me with it. Yesterday I dug out my receipt from Best Buy. I had the activation code from that receipt. It was not the big deal I thought it would be. The big deal would have been if son, Kevin, found out I was using my laptop with virtually a wide open portal stating; “Viruses, ya all come,” I would feel a definite pain as I extracted his boot from my bottom. Right now, Kevin may be in the process of trying to resurrect a computer from his uncle who is always in a fix as he opens every forward or junk piece of mail he receives. It has become a bit of family humor that he has made the rounds of the Geek Squads in various locations. He obviously did not have any protection. Be careful what you offer to do for others, as others have no idea that you have a life of your own.
Upon getting the program loaded from Kaspersky, I did a complete scan of my laptop. It took just a bit over three hours. The end result was a very heartfelt feeling of thanks. Nothing suspicious or harmful had been picked up on the last leg of our trip or the time since here at home.
I don’t know much about computers. The work at the courthouse was primarily canned software and not much work on the open web. I do feel like a weight has been lifted. Having a need for help is one thing. Having a need for help due to obvious negligence . . . it does not fly.
Today the key strokes seem to fly across the keyboard. All is well on Stauffer Avenue.