Watching Traffic

One of my favorite perches is the west porch of our home that has windows on three sides.  Lots of traffic to check out.  I won’t be allowed to drive for several more weeks.  Not for mental impairment but the off chance of a steering wheel hitting me in the chest.  So be it.  Do I have anywhere I am expected . . . no.  Do I have anywhere where I want to go . . . maybe cruise the grocery aisles.  

Dennis took on the acre of mowing today.  True to his word he took breaks.  It gave me a chance to play water person.  Water with electrolytes is not a bad thing as the sun is warming the air.

This is Friday, the end of the work week for most.  The end of this week doesn’t really rack up much on my blackboard . . . and that is how it is suppose to be for now.  The walking is continuing with a cane for an added aid.  The items in the home that need doing are progressing, remembering the no, no on lifting, bending and pushing.  

Dennis is down for a nap after showering off the grass pollen.  I think I have a few more cars and trucks to watch from my perch in the west porch.