Vikings – Under the Needle

Vikings Under The Needle 002 (440x330)

The Vikings t-shirt quilt is under the needle and there is no going back for me. I only do a few of the blocks and then a rest of the arms and shoulders is taken. I have no time frame. It is going well, but man oh man, is it heavy and bulky. I have had many breaks on this project in the last several days. My brother-in-law called yesterday morning before I even had a drop of coffee in me. I realize there are times when my sister’s husband needs to have some one-on-one after her death. I can do that and I can be there. Yesterday afternoon, nephew Brett texted until I had to recharge my phone battery. Lots of “what if . . . “, “should I . . . ” in his quest for good quilting. Today, I had been up with one cup of coffee in me when long time friend Renee came over. Four hours later we had all the world’s problems solved. Dennis had headed to a trade show a few miles to the north. When the home was quiet, I did come down and begin the quilting process. As I said, all is going well with the project, and thus, all is well on Stauffer Avenue.