Tuesday the 8th
Oh my oh my! What a difference a haircut makes. Dennis and I both turned ourselves in to the Curry Comb. Niece Brenda noticed that Dennis had lost a bit of weight. When Dennis went out to the pickup while I was in the chair. Brenda gave me the idea of mixing the chocolate boost, 30 grams of protein, with ice cream and it could pass for a Culver’s shake . . . which Dennis likes. Great tip. I happen to have a great 1960s avocado green blender right on the kitchen counter.
I called my sister-in-law today on the family farm in rural Stewart. JoAnn had torn her right ham string while having fun bowling. Ouch. She will be wearing the brace for another four weeks. As it was, she had the same surgeon that did both of my reverse shoulders. She was in good hands.
Today was mending day in the studio. A few of Dennis’ items needed a stitch here and a stitch there.
We did have a burial day last week. A down filed jacket of Dennis’ is no more. As much as he loves his patio kitties, they play hell with the jacket when they come for some nurturing and flex those claws. I will say that the Gorilla Duct Tape did wonders for repairs. It was time for a new jacket. Sam’s Club has the lightweight jackets often during the winter season for $19.99. I usually have a spare on hand for Dennis.
For myself, I have enjoyed wearing vests for most of our winter outings. It is so much easier for me to get on. There again, good ole Sam’s Club has allowed me to have a variety for less than $20.00 each. I do keep my eye out.
This week is an up and down roller coaster in regard to temps. Come on spring!