Tuesday the 25th

Things are normalizing around Stauffer Avenue.

The rain and water issues are under control.

We have two small cistern closets in our basement that cannot and did not get to be included in the drain tile.  As our house is over 100 years old and was moved onto this city lot from the rural area . . . it had cistern closets.  One closet collected the rain water and the other closet was set up with a waist high dipping area to access the rain water.

Dennis and his cousin pounded through the concrete wall of the the collection closet, thus making a good storage closet with a slight funnel type floor.  

The east side of the closet nearest the stairwell has a crack about 2 inches from the floor mid point.  Just as the old fashioned drinking fountains that were bubblers . . . so is this crack.  You can’t fight, you can’t fix it.  All you can do is know that eventually the soil on the east side of the house will be able to absorb the extra rain. 

When the dipping closet gets very full the floor allows for water to seep into the collection closet.  It is what it is.

As of this morning our small shop vac that we had set up to vacuum up water is now drying out so we can put a regular filter on it.  

Of course this was prime time to do some sifting and sorting in those two closets.  Specialty shoes after foot surgeries hit the recycling.  No way could they be made clean enough to have a new surgical wound put in it.

Dennis’ son Ken came back into town and within minutes the heavy buffet type of furniture was sitting in the pickup garage and the carpet is folded up and on the east patio allowing the floor of marine plywood and 2x4s to dry out.  That will take a while.  As I mentioned . . . all is getting normalized.

Dennis now has his eye on mowing.  Sweet.

I had a dental checkup and a bit of adjustment was done.  Within the next several days I will know if more adjustment is needed.

With that I take my leave.  ♥