
Several days ago we began working on sealing up the service door to the patio porch.  We knew we had to add to the length.  In the meantime, in between time what had been affixed to the top slid down.

We took the afore mentioned foam and laid it on the table to add the needed length.  It is a good thing Dennis had been to the Fleet store for another roll of Gorilla electrical tape.  Dennis also bought a roll of the 3″ Gorilla Duct tape.  Hmm. The Gorilla Duct tape does not stick to the foam.

Fear not!  We were not giving up.  The duct tape stuck to the door frame and the electrical tape stuck to the duct tape and that in turn stuck to the foam. My oh my!  We finished up by covering the foam with a sheet of  clear wrap.  We will need to have a savings of $20.00 in heating gas to cover the cost of the tapes.  

No senior citizen was harmed in this DIY!  As I am the crafter in the household, I manned the tape for this project.  It works better if the sticky side of the tape is worked with lineal feet facing the target.  My arms were tuckered.

With the doorway having been finished by noon, I wanted to return to the studio to the project I had started prior to “Grammie, I need a favor,”  I had foldout Christmas cards purchased from the Christian Book site for the great grands and some other wee ones of family and friends.  All was laid out in an assembly line: cards and envelopes, address book, stamps and pen.  My goal was this afternoon’s mail.  Dennis came down and let me know he was going out for coffee.  I needed just a few more minutes and he became responsible to check all envelopes for a forever postage stamp.  Whew!  Got that project done and away Dennis went with envelopes in a bag destined for the post office.  After the year I have experienced, this is the first year of each child getting their own card in the mail rather than something from the sewing machine.  Who doesn’t like to get something for themselves in the mail in a family of more than one child!

My arms are now officially tuckered.

Tomorrow the stitchers are meeting in Mankato at Baker’s Square.  Oh my gosh!  Not a medical appointment!  This is totally a social event.  I am excited and the temps will be cooperating.

It began at zero this morning and it is now 25 degrees.  Let me tell you, it felt like 90 degrees in the patio porch this morning working with foam, tape and plastic sheeting.  Even Dennis shed his jacket.  Snuggles watched it all from his vantage point . . . his basket.  Gotta love it.