Toss Up

Today it is a toss-up as to which is less desirable.  We had very little new snow but the wind is moving around as much of it as possible.  Toss-up or . . . either or.

With the wind from the northwest, the seven foot tall shrub on the northwest corner of our home, that never gets trimmed and acts as a buffer, is a Godsend.

GrammiesA testament can be given for the Command strips that mesh together, bonding to hold up to 16 lbs.  I never planned on testing them to that extent.  They are marketed for hanging frames.  I used them to hang my scrappy quilt on the living room wall.  One strip on the wall and the matching strip on the back of the quilt.  This project was taken on with me going solo.  Knowing what and how this was going to be done, was easier on me than trying to explain it to a second party.  I do not take chances. I know and have the logic to proceed one step at a time while stepping on the second available flat area for my feet on the kitchen stool.  Using the third and the highest step was never an option.  If I wake up tomorrow and the quilt is still hanging on the wall . . . I will be thrilled. 

We have had Jimmy Dean sausage and gravy on hand for some time.  The refrigerated package of four bags had an expiration date far far away towards the end of 2024.  The contents will be heated in the double boiler sauce pan.  I fear it would scorch if the heat contacted the bottom of the saucepan directly. Sometimes the microwave heated item does not stay hot for very long.  There were leftover instant mashed potatoes from last night.  They will be flattened onto a paper plate and microwaved.  Those I know I can get hot enough.  The Jimmy Dean goodies will be spooned on top for each individual’s liking.

I have not given up on the studio.  My limbs need to recover from doing the two days quilt on the wall project.  It was one day to put the Command strips on the wall and today to get the quilt with matching strips hefted up onto the wall.

With that I take my leave.  ♥