Today was time to take stock of our pantry. Shelves were empty. That is a bad sign. I am not one to run to the store for an item. I am from the old school of Lena: have on hand what is needed to make a good meal from scratch.

Usually wieners, marshmallows, pretzels and a few sweet items are not on the grocery list. It may turn out that Megan and Nicholas can spend a portion of this weekend with us. Dennis has already cleared with our neighbor, Bob, that we could use his fire pit for a wiener roast – complete with roasting marshmallows. From the looks of the forecast, huddling around a fire will feel good.

Not to worry about chilly grandchildren. Dennis has already told me that the furnace in the porch will be tried out for the first time this fall. As with several times in the past, the kids are outside before their eyes are open.

Dennis and I are so looking forward to the weekend.