Today the convertible came out for a road date. We had no plans. We headed west and turned on various tar roads whether south, west or north. It was interesting to go past the Jefferson Petrocliffs and see all the kids bopping in the grasses and following the paths. Long about mid-afternoon we found ourselves at Hardees in Sleep Eye. For me a cup of coffee and cookies, for Dennis a chocolate shake. Off and on today we noticed the tar surfaces were wet from recent showers. We never rode in rain. When we got home Dennis reported .3 inches in the gauge.

Nothing tops off the day like tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. Dishes are now done and it is patio sitting time. The evenings have been great. Other than an occasional black fly bite I have been very lucky. But man oh man, can those fly bites itch.

Tomorrow is lawn mowing and trimming day of the acre. The grass is so lush it reminds me of spring. It’s a good thing.