Today I traveled north to pick up Mom’s sewing machine that I had taken in for repair. Repair people for sewing machines are much like your family doctor. You know them, you trust them, and when you have a good one, you make sure to give them your business.

I knew Hwy 4 would have a detour as they are putting in a round-a-bout into one of the heavier traveled intersections. I decided to take the detour. Oh my gosh. I was taken from Renville County to Redwood County and then through a portion of Brown County before I was reunited with HWY 4 back in Renville County. I felt as if I had been traveling for days.

The sewing machine has been retrieved, I got some good tips from the Bernina gal and I walked down the sidewalk and checked out the quilt shop. I had taken several fabric swatches with and picked the creative juices of the gal. She was very helpful and it will make my time here with my aunt Lorraine next week go quite smoothly. Interestingly enough, the quilt shop is for sale and my Bernina people are trying to work with the city’s Economic Development so the Bernina Shop could move down the block a bit and purchase and combine the quilt shop with the Bernina Shop. Each of these businesses have added much to the small town on Hwy 212. I hope it works out for each of them.

When I returned home I drove within a mile of the detour and took several miles of gravel roads to work myself around the detour. In that area, there seems to be very few roads that go around sections of land squarely, but meander. My detour on the main detour was still an experience, but it worked.

It’s great to be back at home and enjoy what seems to be several nice days coming.