Today called for a road date to Mankato. Dennis had a few items he wanted to look into. As we headed east into Mankato we went past the ethanol plant at Lake Crystal. From the time that Megan could talk it was labeled the “Cloud Factory” as the plumes of steam rose from the processing chimneys. So of course that is what Nicholas was taught. It was a cloud factory for sure.

From the first visit for over night, Megan was right at home with us. Never ever cried that she was done with us and that she wanted to go home. After Megan and Nicholas had both spent time with us, it was time for Nicholas to fly solo here on Stauffer Avenue. He was a trooper.  Ate what Grandpa Dennis ate and played hard outside. Afternoon naps were a bit of a hard sell. Grandpa encouraged him, telling him that there would be more fun ahead if he took a short nap for more energy. His response . . . “Guess I just miss out.” Ya right. I would get him to lay on the bed in our west porch that is totally windows. I would lay down with him and we would do “Once upon a time —-.” I would make up stories and he would gaze out the window next to the bed and watch the evergreen boughs sway in the breeze. It worked every time.

Here we are thirteen years later and Dennis and I still call it the “Cloud Factory.” Here Dennis and I are taking naps during some afternoons as we don’t want to miss out on anything. Amazing what can come to mind cruising down the highway. Sweet.