Timely But Satisfing
The Bernina sewing machine has been in our home for a bit longer than two years. I had promised myself that I would not be complacent. I would challenge myself one step at a time. For just as long, I have had several design packets that incorporate fabric applique with embroidery stitches. The latest snow storm was the perfect time to see if I could and would pursue it. Aunt Lorraine is always a good source of encouragement. She knew the applique was timely but worth the effort. She hit the timely on the head. The packet of designs works with a lot of checked flannel material. If I had not pieced a checked flannel quilt top for Dennis I would not have been inclined to go and purchase small pieces of various flannel. Scraps spurred me on. This packet has thirty designs. Not exactly something to get done in several days.
The first applique block took some time and some thinking on which of the flannel scraps to use as the base. The white fabric for the stars needed to be stitched onto the background fabric while in the hoop as per the steps that the flash drive had programmed into the machine and then I needed to trim it down for the embroidery stitches to finish it off. When the design block is taken off of the hoop, it already has the sashing attached to all four sides. The grouping for a finished project is done by stitching multiple sizes of finished blocks using a half inch seam allowance. Each block comes out of the hoop at the coordinating size with the quilt batting already sandwiched between the bottom and the top.
I never cease to be amazed how it all comes together.
Companies that employ people to digitize designs . . . that’s high tech. Companies that market digitized designs to people such as myself are a Godsend. I never in my wildest dreams would have thought when I purchased the sewing machine that I could stretch myself to work with zip files that were emailed to me in a matter of seconds. I did need some guidance from Kevin and Kersten of getting the zip files into folders on my laptop and then getting the designs within those folders loaded on a flash drive for the sewing machine to read and then stitch. I am a nooby to all that is out there, but it sure is exciting to learn.
When I visit with friends and realize how few of them planned for the quiet hours of their retirement, I am thankful. I never need to find something to do when Dennis and I are each in our own zones. I enjoy family, community, my faith, reading, gardening, quilting, and sewing and it all makes for a very balanced life. That is the secret to life . . . balance. Though I am what some would call being a hermit, I have choices each and every day as to what to do with the God given day. Life is quite spectacular.