This was a type of day that does not happen very often: I went to Mankato alone!

Dennis hung around the body shop where his little red pickup has been since last Wednesday. It didn’t need a lot done, but the fellow came down with the flu.

The pickup is back in the garage and Butter Ball and Snuggles have already checked out the rafters above the pickup. I am sure they were afraid they would never get back up to their favorite hangout. The pickup needed a bit of work under the running boards to stabilize them and then Robby wrapped bed liner around the running boards as black paint doesn’t stand a chance of staying on. The area right behind the rear tires got sandblasted and is sporting new red paint. Talk about the price of paint . . . on second thought, not. The pickup looks sharp and my ole cowboy looks sharp behind the wheel. Gotta love that fellow.

I ran some grocery errands in Mankato and I am totally ready for kitchen prep work tomorrow for the following day, Thanksgiving Day. Excitement is in the air.