This morning when I got out of bed I had decided that with the temp at 34, feeling like 22 with a 24 mph northwest wind, it was too nasty to walk my two miles. I piddled around picking up the house, made beds and did a quick check of items to put on a grocery list. Before I realized it, I had the mittens out, my walking shoes were on and I was suited up with a slathering of face lotion to protect from the wind. It may be true that it takes six weeks for an action to become a habit. I like it. I like it a lot.

A trip to the big town and I am pooped. JoAnn Fabrics is the worst place to get service. A massive store with less than enough help to move merchandise. “Yes, I want 3.5 yards of batting” and “No, I am not willing to splice 2.3 yards to 1.2 yards to make the 3.5 yards.” Clerk: “We are instructed to use each roll up as it is sold off.” My reply, “I may not need any at all.” I did get my 3.5 yards in one cut. Now, in the quiet of my sewing studio, I can cut the yardage in half to do the last two peachy quilts. UGH!

Our pantry has our “often used” products on the shelves in the basement pantry. We did have a late lunch at Culver’s and we have agreed that supper is not needed nor warranted. Our road date was successful. We are the happy content ones on Stauffer Avenue.