This dense snow fall was not needed by…

This dense snowfall was not needed by any stretch of the imagination.  It might have been three inches but at this time of the year, it could have just as well been six inches.  The birds have the right attitude.  They tweet, they chirp and I am almost positive, the Thrush are back.  There have been Thrush bird nests in the anchors and braces of our front awning for quite a few years.  Their reappearance and determination  gave me second winds to get out there and clear off the snow.  On the first wave of energy the back door, front door and car garage doors got cleared.  If that snow is moved and pushed into the driveway about 15 feet west towards to the main street, Randy will blow it all to the south leaving me with not having to pitch it over the tall snow bank that borders our driveway on the south.

The three cats sat in the patio porch watching . . . and waiting.  Nope, it was time for this Grammie to take a break before heading their way.  A cup of hot tea hit the mark.  I have some tea that has Turmeric and Licorice infused into the tea.  I did use the largish cup in the cupboards and it was wonderful.  My very last second wind was kicking in.  Let’s get this done!

Yesterday the cats were able to wander onto the bare concrete of the east patio.  Today, all three hunkered in the open doorway waiting for me to clear the area.  One by one they followed behind me and the snow pusher.  It is comical.  It is endearing.  No one wants spring to come more than those three critters.  On second thought, the Thrush are going to seek and search nesting material far and wide.  I am resigned.  Taking one day at a time . . . still thankful that Dennis has not been home this month.  Ya, right!  Like he would take a break from the snow removal and have a cup of tea . . . not!