Thinking Spring

We finally have a sunny day with just a light breeze.  During the night I did pull my blankets up a bit higher as I thought that would be the only protection I would have once the west porch roof blew off.

Have you ever thought there would be a day when you would do nothing!  Stay in PJs or a bathrobe all day long.  I had the best of intentions.  But . . . there were birds singing.  I found myself dressed before I realized it and I was stripping the beds and heading for the laundry.  

Once the buttons have been pushed on the washing machine I meandered down into the basement.  I had been thinking about cleaning that small refrigerator long enough.  It was time to pull the plug and do it.  We use it for extra cold storage.  I enjoy a cold bottle of water, a cold bottle of green tea and an occasional cold beer.  Sad to say I don’t utilize the small freezer space like it should be.  Obviously that is where the work needed to be done.  It had more ice in it than should be. When I pulled the plug I put some extra towels in the cavity and let it begin the thaw.  Why not!  It was a thawing day outside.

Laundry was going, thawing was in progress, I decide to load and look at a design on the sewing machine.  This will be a “what if.”  About 20 years ago I worked with man-made suede and made Dennis’ daughter some western vests. As I have mentioned, 2020 is the year that I am using what is on hand.  Low and behold I found a fairly good sized piece of that ultra suede. The first thing I did was throw it into the light load of laundry to freshen it up.  It was touted to be washable.  With the washing of the product to be done, I decided to finish up a pillow I had been working on.  The suede project is still forthcoming.

When Megan was a baby, I had made Carrie some curtains for her bathroom.  She provided the plaid fabric and away we went with the project.  Sure enough there was some of that great plaid fabric left in one of my stashes.  I found a spring time design and began working my whiles on it.  Today was the day to get it done.  

Thinking-SpringWhen Dennis’ nephew gets done doing a quilt on his long-arm the extra in width and length of the batting gets stuffed into a plastic bag and when the bag is full I get it in my sewing studio.  There was enough that I could make a pillow out of that batting and then sew a cover over it.  Perfect.  Now to finish the stitched pillow to fit into that pillow form.  Mom always worked with prairie points.  They are folded small squares to form a whimsical addition to a quilt, or in this case to my pillow.  Mom often had prairie points in the binding of the quilts, to take the brunt of the oil from hands when the quilts were tugged up around chubby chins.  When the afternoon shadows began, I was happy with the entire project today.  Yes . . . it made me think spring.

When Dennis came in for a bit this afternoon it was time for me to keep him close by.  My small refrigerator that sits on the basement floor was ready to be gutted of shelving and cleaned in the inside.  I had all my supplies on hand and they were all at arms length handy for me to work with.  I also knew when I was done and wanted to get up off of the basement floor, I would need moral support from my favorite ole cowboy.  I know my titanium knees and I know how to protect them as I get up and down from a floor.  It would make for a very good segment on “Funniest Home Videos.”  As I type, the ultra clean refrigerator is humming and regaining the temperature for my beer that I may have this evening . . . or not.

The sun is getting lower in the west.  It’s time to take all that fresh bedding and get the beds made up for a good night’s rest.  Just like in the old days . . . Saturday night baths or showers and then tucked into clean beds.  Lena would be proud.