Thinking it Through

Home 12 (Small)

Thinking all things through. As I was rounding the last of my two mile walk this morning, I knew I had to better assess my clothing for these colder mornings. My toes were chilly and my hands were sweaty. When I got home I turned my jacket and my hat inside out to make sure my excess body heat would dissipate . . . as I sure had collected some. I might have to nab some of Dennis’ warmer socks and wear a pair of lighter gloves and keep the heavy mittens in the pocket until they are needed. I have thought through the latest tee-shirt project to the point that the stabilizer has been applied to the backs. I sliced the gray sweat shirt up so I could use the back as well as the front for one 16″ square block. This quilt will commemorate 10 years of an annual event honoring the fallen. Dennis’ granddaughter Sadie grew up with and served with Brent Koch. Dennis came to the rescue and cut strips of sashing for use in between the blocks. I cannot believe it . . . I will not be purchasing any materials for this. What a great feeling. Time to call it a day and think about those chicken titties and baked squash for supper.