They Are Ours
Fifty one years ago today, Orlin and I were heading to Texas after a short, but sweet, wedding ceremony. In an earlier story called “Ahh Memories,” I recounted our trip and days shortly thereafter.
Today, I am remembering that long gone event by celebrating the very best of Orlin and me: our children, Carrie and Kevin. It’s not going to be a long story or a long posting as there are not enough words for me to tell of how much I admire them, appreciate them, and how proud of them I am.

The best of Orlin and Noreen
As my children have spent more years away from me than the few years I had with them under my wing . . . I thought I had them that close, it is much like me tuning into my very favorite sitcom on television. I don’t want to miss a single episode. Silly ole me. My children are busy as their days are so much more demanding than the simple life they were born into. It is easy for me to hang on to some of those self-same frames of mind as I am no longer defining the perimeters of what my life is yet to be, I have that. Carrie and Kevin are no longer mine to worry over – yeah right, like that is ever going to happen. It is a parent’s right to want only the best, the most painless for their days just as my parents wanted for their children.
So, I can say, “Yes, Orlin, they are ours and they are the best of each of us.