There is No Denying it!
When the Plume Papas grass is in its glory, fall is officially here. It can’t be hard to grow as I see it along the roadsides when we travel. I actually did pay for Plume Papas grass roots as I thought it would be just what our backyard needed after everything else in the gardens was exhausted and spent.
The portion of our yard with the grass had at one time been the east boundary. Leave it to Dennis and me to purchase the lot behind the grass and tidy it up. It meant having the fire department do several training exercises in a vacant home on that lot. Much debris was hauled out and much dirt was hauled in.

Our Plume grass waving in the breeze.
This morning was all about making sure we had put away as much as we could from the gardens, the patio and the wall art on the garages. Yup, we decorate our outdoor spaces much like some decorate their homes. I could not count the amount of people who visit Stauffer Avenue and drive by very slowly. A fellow down the block from us is recovering from cancer and needs to walk every day to build up his strength. I happened to be outside one day when Gary walked by. He mentioned he really appreciates the calm serenity that the gardens evoke.
I did take note that my partner’s step was a bit slower this fall than it had been in spring. If someone were taking note of my gate, would they make a similar comment about me? If only Dennis’ mind set, ideas and thoughts could reverse some of the wear and tear of the body. Riding bucking broncos while in his 40s at rodeos for a bit of extra cash; loading poultry up over his head into cages on his semi for the 1,000 mile drive to Campbells Soup in Worthington, Mn., may be the tell tale for his days now. I can’t imagine anyone of us ever thought our bodies would turn on us. If we could lift it, push it or throw it, we were in it for all day.
So for now, as Dennis can relax in his rocking chair in the porch, the scene outside the patio windows is one of calm and “job well done.” Lawn mowers are tucked out of site and thereby should be out of mind. The snow blower is where it is needed when it is needed. By all accounts, the only chore left for this fall is to bring the Koi in from the pond and settle them into the horse tank in the garage. The cooler the temps, the easier they are to net for the short trip.
Talk about cool . . . no furnace has been started here as of yet. I do believe I will put the oven on and make a mock pumpkin pie. My Mom, Lena, would bake out the squash with the bright orange meat inside and use all the ingredients as for a pumpkin pie. I can tell you, all six pair of feet under the kitchen table did not hesitate to enjoy it. Why tell the family more than they needed to know? Pumpkin or squash, there was never a crumb left.