There is Always Something That Needs Doing

My parents in 1937
It is the time of heat and humidity in July. Why are we surprised? It comes every year without fail. On days such as these my body tells me to take it easy so that my kids can think about me rather than read about me having had a heat stroke – or any other type of stroke for that matter. It is hard to tone it down when I am happiest when I am the busiest and that includes being a busy body causing others to perhaps have a stroke. I follow in the foot steps of my parents: Raymond and Lena Wendlandt. Neither one of them knew how to ignore what needed to be done. They were great role models.
I do know that if I just think about it for a bit I will come up with some activity to burn off my energy level until such time I can be content doing some hand quilting or reading. That agenda of events happens every day as that is who I am and what I am all about. I am not one to sit still willingly for any length of time. Dennis is well aware of “me” and graciously follows his plan for the day until I am spent. Is all of this activity a bad thing? Not at all. As I am getting older it is easier for me to get the radical activity over with and settle into a mellow place for the remainder of the day.
As it turns out I did get some organizing done in the back garage so there is room for Dennis’ son, Ken, to store some items as they have just moved from a large old farmhouse into a rental home for the time being. After a bit of a cool down I have my needle threaded for the afternoon’s activity. It’s a good thing.
Thanks Mom and Dad.