The Last Step
After experiencing today’s temperatures, I do believe that spring is upon us. Hey, Grammie! You had better finish up the last step of what has been going on in the sewing studio since winter.
The Santa Project for all intents and purposes is complete. He is dressed in finery, his spa face and glam beard is looking fit for a fellow that is 55 years old. So what was missing? The coffin type of cardboard box is not going to be his resting place from now until the 2019 Christmas season. Santa is going to keep me company in the sewing studio for the interim.
Yesterday, Dennis and I went out to Fleet and Farm to pick up my push lawnmower, and of course, I had to cruise the aisles. Perfect find. Vinyl drop clothes that were 9′ x 12′. There was going to be a slip cover in the works for Santa. No time like the present. As I said, spring may finally be here and no project left undone gets by me. There was a huge amount of drop cloth wafting on the church tables. I began stitching together the 12′ length until I was sure I had 6′. My slip cover target size was 6′ x 6′, allowing for the arms to have plenty of room for the cover to slip over him. The quilter’s walking foot worked the best to feed the slippery plastic through.
I am very pleased that not only will Santa be ready for his first season coming out of rehab, he is going to be kept tidy in the mean time. We don’t have a ceiling in the basement. I don’t care how old a house is, there is more of old house silt that can sift through the floor joist and floor boards.
I did take my sewing machine to Bird Island in April for a good cleaning and once-over. Lots of fuzz can accumulate in the guts of the machine. As Kelly was cleaning, he did show me how much old fuzz that had clung onto the oil of the works. It’s a good thing to keep the machine going at its best. I knew the plastic would sew well, as it was the first project after being serviced. The last step is complete and I will not be getting lonely in the sewing studio. Santa has my back.