The Itch of Yesterday – Done

Yesterday I knew something was going to break loose in my sewing and craft area, I just quite didn’t know what it would be. Kevin gave me this metal display rack some time ago. No doubt, it was used in a grocery store for wares. Though a bit late for this year, my newly-painted birdhouses will be stored when fall comes, ready for the spring of 2016. I used a steel-bristled brush to give each shelf a good cleaning to implement using magnetic tape on the bottom of each house to help secure them during a breeze or perhaps a wind. Time will tell if this technique will work. Of course, a project cannot go without an oops. I was so busy putting my magnetic strips down, I failed to take the concrete bird down first as I was moving things about. You guessed it. It fell . . . right onto the left side of my face knocking my glasses off. I first felt for blood . . . finding none I picked my very bent glasses up out of the grass. A quick trip to the eye doctor to have my glasses straightened and we were right back on track. My bad. A bit of color in the back garden brings a smile to us as we enjoy the patio. It also gives a good balance for the birdhouse we had put up earlier.