The Fluttering

The fluttering of the leaves has begun and this is before we have even had any frost.  The sound of the leaves brushing past each as they are in flight takes me back.

Harvest is early this year just as it may have been decades ago on the farm in Boon Lake Township in Renville County.  We had since sold the dairy herd.  The calves, hogs and chicken chores, I could handle with the kids.  Orlin was free to work in the fields.

Carrie was dropped off at the end of our driveway after a day of kindergarten by the Hutchinson school bus.  Three-year-old Kevin had the time down pat.  He and Snoopy would sit on the edge of the brick planter at the “Y” of the drives waiting, but not very patiently.  When he had no more sit, I had given Kevin a small rake and encouraged him to rake some leaves while he waited.  As soon as a small pile had been pulled together, Snoopy would bury his nose in it and tussle the leaves here and there.  What a pair.

Orlin worked shift work at 3M and we were keeping up with fall field work as well. If  Orlin had been at it in the fields without a break,  the kids and I would take out a lunch for him that also counted as a break from being on the unforgiving tractor seat for hours.  Both kids on the pickup seat as we drove the field road north of the farm place.  Carrie on the outside nearest the door and Kevin standing beside me so as to see where we were going.  Orlin would stop the tractor pulling the mole board plow and sit next to the tractor tire on the dirt, opening up the black metal lunch box.  Of course, I had packed in some cookies for the kids so they could join in.  Snoopy had followed the pickup and sure enough he got a cookie as well.

Back at the farm yard, the kids played outside while I finished outside work and then it was getting them in the house for baths and their supper.  The school bus was at the end of the drive by 7:30 each school day, Carrie needed to be in bed early.  Kevin had been busy all day following me, he didn’t need much coaxing to follow up to bed shortly thereafter.  Oh for the quiet.  Orlin did get a hot supper when he closed down the field work for the day and the drone of the tractor was over  . . . until the next time.

Those were the days!  Sweet.

Here we are in the fall of 2021 and the leaves falling are just as welcoming today as they were then. 

On a side note:  I did wash the quilt I finished yesterday.  I was rewarded using the Shout Color Collectors as the two sheets had definite hues of blue on them.  The white blocks of the quilt had zero blue that had run.  Sweet.

I spent quite a bit of time cleaning the area in the studio as well as the sewing machine.  It is amazing for the threads and fuzz that can find its way everywhere. Whatever I decide to do next . . . I will have a clean slate . . . after I remember to put a new needle in the machine.  Needles are so inexpensive and make the world of difference on how well the machine works.

Dennis is having boiled potatoes with some Hormel pork roast with gravy and green beans for supper.  I shouldn’t speak too soon as me and the potato peeler have not been on speaking terms lately. Of course that was a while ago . . . things may be different today.  Every day is different than the one that went before . . . but the fluttering of the leaves will continue for many more days to come.