The Crazy Pattern in Blues
I have many pastimes that I enjoy. The days are never dull. The first thing I check out is what Dennis’ plans are for the day then I work around them. Today the tree dump was open so that was a no-brainer. Out went the last of the plants I had dug out last week as well as multiple branches and twigs that have fallen out of the Maple tree with some fairly brisk winds. On that note we have put in a call to the tree service that helped us out a week or so ago. Our huge Maple needs a bit of a manicure. Twice we have been lucky with large branches breaking loose during a wind storm with no damage to our potting shed or patio porch. It’s time to tidy up a few of the large trunks that are listing towards the buildings.

Five fabrics and the pinwheels go around and around.
No matter how much the sewing studio is used, it is never as sweet as when I am piecing a quilt top. The process is very quieting and each piece a precise size to meld to the next. I had been working on a border for this blue crazy pattern. Yesterday, I got the opinion of the metro girls: Carrie and Megan. I am taking their advice and today I will begin cutting out the pieces for the border. Three different fabrics making four distinct patterns, all cut at a 45 degree angle. The end result will be a straight edge of all four sides. It’s a good puzzle. I am contemplating that the size should fit and cover a full sized mattress easily for the border to be a great drop on each side. I can enjoy this puzzle as right now there is not a twit of anything that needs to be done outside. It’s time for both of us to kick back and take the day easier than we deserve.