The Chinese Have the Year of the Lamb
Here on Stauffer Avenue, Dennis and I are having “The Curry Month of the Doors.”
We are awaiting the arrival of two garage doors from our local lumberyard. It is warranted, as both doors have had to have multiple adjustments to the point that you realize, enough is enough. How much grief are we going to put ourselves to?
The passenger door of my trusty 1999 Lincoln needed to have the springs adjusted. Though I cannot remember having the door caught by the wind, it must have been stressed enough to let you know when the door was opened. It did not sound happy.
The door switch: A taken for granted function in doing the laundry that can cause the entire process to come to a stretching halt.
On Sunday the top loading door of my Maytag washing machine let me know just how important it is. The switch that allows the machine to shut down when the door is opened, quit. The washing machine was full of clothes and water – and nothing was happening. After checking out a lot of information on the computer, we decided the switch that manages that function of the washing machine needed to be ordered. I ordered it online on Sunday. The matter of wringing out the clothes by hand and tossing them into a clothes basket was the easiest part. Dipping out the water took some doing. Dennis and I headed for the laundromat here in town and finished the load. There was nothing wrong with the dryer portion of our stackable unit, and as the evening hours fell, we were folding a load of laundry that had been started quite a bit earlier in the day.
Three days out, the new switch arrived on Stauffer Avenue. I thought if looked huge. This afternoon a very friendly Sears repairman was at the door with a smile. Oh my gosh! It looked as if the entire washing machine was being taken apart. The top and front of the washing machine was taken apart and the switch was right where the repairman knew it would be: hidden under the right hand corner of the lid. I was amazed to see where the wiring harness and the fuse needed to be placed. The repair fellow was kind enough to take some time out for me to clean the rim of the tub as well as other areas that cannot be seen with the naked eye . . . but once I saw the dirt, I had to tackle it. After the machine was run through its entire cycle, the repair was deemed to be complete.
It is a very good thing that our entire first floor of our home only has one interior door . . . that being on the bathroom. We had replaced the front door of the home just several weeks ago. As I mentioned earlier: it has been “The Curry Month of the Doors.”