The Busy Folks
It’s a good thing both Dennis and I are both retired. I don’t know how we would have time to hold down jobs.
This morning we entrusted the little red pickup for a spa vacation. It is fifteen years old and wouldn’t bring much on an open market. But let me tell you, the ole cowboy and the little red pickup are joined at the rust spots. It can’t be brought up to new specs, but it can have a few blemishes tidied up. Dennis knows, God willing this vehicle has much to give going forward.
From the New Ulm shop we wandered over to Sleepy Eye to the implement dealer. Each year a new Hesston belt buckle is produced honoring the rodeo. Dennis has the very first buckle that was produced in this collection. The 1974 buckle is quite classy with the bronze look to it and it is quite sought after. It would be silly not to continue the collection. Unfortunately over the years, they thought bigger was better. Dennis is on his second wooden buckle case and the shelf area just isn’t quite deep enough for the buckles to rest easily on them. When we opened the glass door to add the new one, quite a few wanted to tumble out. Good thing the glass in the door survived. Later on this week, I am going to take a length of ribbon and stretch it across each row with a thumb tack holding each end of the ribbon to the inside of the case. I am quite sure that will hold them to allow the door to be opened safely.
I had a wild hair to put up one more shelf on the east wall of our west porch that has become my bedroom. I so want to enjoy the Department 56 Nativity set that I bought at a New Ulm Drug store. I think it was called Polta Drug Store, years ago when they were selling out. It was at a handsome sell-out price. The Department 56 is also the company that does the villages that are collectible as well as the Precious Moments figurines. Over the years I have found several add-on pieces to the Nativity on eBay. Dennis was game. Bless his heart. We did get the job done on the wooden brackets. I had the smart idea to use some white engineered corrugated plastic sheeting that Kevin gave me that is used in the interior of hog barn construction. Nope! It does not have the strength that is needed for such a collection of glassware that cannot be replaced. We took down the oak shelf above this newly created area. Much more reliable. After the two of us getting to laughing at each other during the workout, I will take some time tomorrow to get the Nativity set out.
We are doing pasta leftovers for supper.
What would life be if we couldn’t laugh at each other and, most important, at ourselves. It actually brings a lot of entertainment to our day.