The Ah-Ha Moment

Prickly Pear Blossoms
Every gardener has that moment when a plan does comes together. Renee Nett shared with me a bit of her Prickly Pear Cactus several years ago. I put it in a spot that I soon realized was a bad choice as I never checked in on it. Each spring I would acknowledge that it had made it through the winter and then off I was to plants that were more fun and less hurtful. I mean to tell you if you get some of these prickles in your finger you know they are there but they are almost impossible to take out with a tweezers. The prickles are finer than the finest of hair.
Realizing that I was missing out on the blooms, I have transplanted them under the south west corner of the house so I can keep an eye on them. The heat is intense and the overhang of the house makes it almost impossible for them to get rain water. Earlier this year Dennis noticed one of the plants had broken off from the parent plant and he was going to put it into the garbage. I got a pair of gloves on and made a bit of a hole and stuck the plant back in the dirt. The photo is of the plant that almost had been part of Waste Management’s pick up. It is such a perfect bloom it could pass for wax.