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  • Noreen 7:30 pm on April 10, 2013 Permalink
    Tags: Lord   

    It is what it is and that is a mess of late spring weather. I believe it is our Lord just letting us know who really is in charge. We hurry around worse than rats leaving a sinking ship. Truth be told those that are always in a hurry don’t get any farther ahead than the rest of us that take a bit more time to enjoy each day’s event. I am truly one that has been on the roller coaster and now I am on a trolley just putzing along and many times even humming a song. I will never ever have this day to replay. There are no “do overs.” I want to hear all and see all that lays before me each day adding it to my databank as I know there will be a day, a time that some instance will rely upon just such a recollection. As the ground is again white with some icy snow I am here to tell you I am just fine with it all and if it were not so I would be sure to tell you.

  • Noreen 7:10 pm on March 31, 2013 Permalink
    Tags: , , Lord   

    It’s the close of a great day and the close of Holy Week. The comforting feeling that my Lord is in charge of my life and even more so now that today was my 69th birthday and I rely on the hand of my Lord on my shoulder to guide me everyday. So many things are changing in this world that I have no control over. It makes one feel very small and that’s o.k. I have just enough on my plate to allow me to feel very blessed, happy and content.

  • Noreen 9:29 am on March 3, 2013 Permalink
    Tags: Lord   

    This is the day the Lord has made and I am rejoicing in it. I trust it is also with you.

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