Sweet Sunday

An agreement was reached for today.  I would ride along in the little red pickup to the blue barn acre and help refill our gallon pump sprayer with the correct amount of water to the correct amount of Roundup.  

The areas around some of the trees has a fair amount of volunteer weeds.  There is only so close Dennis can get with a mower for now.   Much needs to be picked up such as pieces of broken off limbs from Brett’s skid loader work.

Dennis sharpened the lopper yesterday and we were able to take off a lot of spindly new growth from the trees.  Each bit of work does us good and improves the look of the acre from the road.  Anything we cut down is laid in a direction that we can pull it to the larger pile towards the back of the acre easily.

My-SpotNow in early afternoon, I can either read or stitch.  The light from the windows aids either one.  I will say, “My Spot” is sweet.  I now have the green project bag completed with the lime green zipper.  The setup allows for my stitching tools to be close at hand near the wooden book holder from decades ago that was sent to the trash when I worked at the courthouse.  It fills my use to the max as I can no longer hold a book to read with my hands.  The cherry red chair has great support for either of my wishes.  The sweet little green metal chair has a coffee cup close at hand.  It came out of Kevin’s shop years ago with the stipulation, that I would enjoy it “as is” with the dents and chips.  Absolutely.  Megan and Nicholas always enjoyed pulling it up to the table when they stayed with us.

Enjoy this sweet day as the Lord has made.