Sunday Done Well

We did the birthday party for Luella today in North Mankato.  The temps were great and many sat outside until the Asian Beetles drove them inside.

As we drove to Mankato as well as coming home, the harvest dust could choke off a horse.  We could smell the dust in the little red pickup while the windows were closed.  I wondered how well sealed the cabs of the combines with air conditioners were.  With no rain in sight, the farmers will not slow down.  Someone mentioned today that the soybean fields are so dry that if there is rain on the pods and then they dry, the pods will pop and the beans will be lost on the fields.

What greeted us when we came home were Boxelder bugs clinging to the storm door of the house.  Man!  I can’t believe it is that time of the year again.

Tomorrow is a new week and for us it will be a slow week.  My plans are to tidy up plants that have been nipped by the frost.  Doing it before the fingers freeze is the plan.  Very little garden art needs to be put into the potting shed.

May everyone have much to be thankful today as the day winds down.