
Though it was different for Dennis to not take part in the car show during Railroad Days, he deemed today a successful day.  The acre is mowed and trimmed and looking sharp.  Self satisfaction is hard to beat.  

We got a late start mowing as the grass was heavy with dew.  Temps at 66 degrees and the humidity at 77 % . . . it was understandable.  Dennis rambled over to the shop to check on the paint he had applied yesterday to his Cub Lo-Boy, with the last being said we would mow after lunch. 

His last words gave me the go ahead to strip the bed, load the laundry and get the Swiffers out to do the floors.  There are gliders under everything in our home . . . other than the refrigerator.  Today was the day to glide it out and get the dust bunnies underneath.  Hmm,  a crinkled up leaf of the Christmas Poinsettia was under the sofa.  No jelly beans were found.  Occasionally when I hear the jelly bean dish being opened there may be one or two that have escaped.  Dennis will hunt for a jelly bean only so long before it is left to cohabitate with the dust bunnies.  I had started at the west end of the house and just kept that east bathroom window as the target.  Oh so thankful that our home is small.  It can be whipped into shape in no time flat. 

The day is ending here on Stauffer Avenue.  I did check to see if Dennis wanted to take the Railroad Days Parade in . . .  the nod of the head was a negative.  In times past when Megan and Nicholas would be here during this time, we didn’t miss a beat of all that was offered to enjoy.  I am thankful there are people that will put out their chairs along the parade route and wait it out.  No so for us anymore.  We are content having taken part in it at some time and now it is home sweet home enjoying the success of our labors for our home.