Subject to Change
Doctor appointments are subject to change. We would have been checking in at the surgical appointment on this Thursday. With a phone call received, we are scheduled for one week from today at 11:30.
Dennis just left for the Lewis Drug to purchase some additional dressing supplies for his recovering foot. With his appointment being rescheduled more items were needed. In days of old, the bone would have been cut off and the traveling doctor would not have seen this patient again. Common sense still prevails.
I will tout the advantages of Vaseline. With Denis foot sealed from heel to toe, when we changed the dressing on Saturday, his skin on his foot was like dry parchment. Yes, gauze comes in a pre-rolled package as does the sticky ace bandages. That doesn’t mean you need to use the entire 4.5 feet of it. If that sticky ace bandage edge is exposed to bare skin, it rubs with its harsh sharp edges. There was an area next to Dennis’ ankle that had rubbed. Doc Pidy is in charge. The incision site is covered by a 4″‘ x 4″ pad with enough gauze wrap going around the foot multiple times to cover that plus two inches on each side. The sticky ace bandage allows for the gauze to stick out a good inch on its own. The ace bandages used to have a clip to adhere it to itself. The sticky stuff can be stretched a bit and clings to itself.
Oh . . . back to Vaseline. After rubbing Dennis foot twice now with Vaseline and putting a sock on, the body heat captured in the sock has done the skin a 99.9% turn around. The skin is supple to the touch. I advocate it and we have the largest tub of it in the house that can be found in a store.
Today was bed linen laundering. A good feeling to get the beds dressed before nightfall.
We have agreed on a light supper. I like that idea. Dennis said he would opt for some ice cream later on.