Stauffer Team Nailed it!

First thing that is heard in our home is the coffee pot going off at 7:00 a.m.  That sound must be like an alarm for Dennis.  What is more precious than being able to stumble around the house after just getting out of bed while all senses are coming alive.  Because I know this for myself, I stay snug in bed and allow the real Dennis to wake up and get his bearings.  There are, after all, rituals.  When I hear the back door close as Dennis heads to the patio porch with a cup of hot coffee and a breakfast snack in a baggy, that is my cue that I get to stumble around as I become fully awake.

Much to Dennis’ surprise the walk to the garage was manageable.  The last thing I did before I went to bed last night was to go outside and shovel a path through the snow from the back door of the house to the1st path garage for just this moment for Dennis.  Oh yes!  We had snow.  The news this morning was stating about 8 to 9 inches for St. James.  Unfortunately the path was not as clear as I had left it last night as the snow continued at various times throughout the night.  The most that the ole cowboy in his PJs and slippers had to walk through was several inches.  Very doable.

Neighbor Randy came and did a bang up job this forenoon on the driveway.  After Dennis and I had Dennisoatmeal for breakfast, we suited up to tidy around the doorways.  Where no one had trod, the snow could be moved down to the bare concrete.  It was wet heavy stuff.  Where Randy’s snowblower had worked its magic, it was as hard as a rock and icy.  Dennis worked on clearing a path through to Stauffer Avenue for garbage collection and also to work on clearing the doorway for the pickup that backs out onto Stauffer Avenue.

I dare say we have had a great workout today.  When I came into the house, I plugged in the Christmas tree and pulled the last bit of breakfast coffee from the pot.  Dennis is in his recliner watching the farm channel and we are off the clock for the remainder of this day.  Priceless.