Sometimes – Somedays
Sometimes when I take on a sewing project, I think “My, oh, my.” This is a request for a Minnesota Wild Hockey t-shirt quilt. The shirts are a variety of colors: red, green, black, gray and white. The Minnesota Wild licensed fabric was also requested. When I began putting all the shirts together with the licensed fabric, all I could see was Christmas. It took me a day before I could put myself in a place of “It’s going to be okay.” I need to feel good about a project as if I were going to keep it for myself. I decided the extra work was what was needed to tone
down the red and green sashings. The corker for me was how crooked the licensed fabric had been printed. UGH! It was just not my cup of tea for good feelings. Finished strips from the same fabric as the back overlaid over the red and green licensed fabric is what I decided on. When I quilt within the squares I will use the same colored thread as in the strips. That did put me short for the backing fabric for the binding. Dennis has agreed to stop at River City Quilts in Mankato on Wednesday when he goes to his Korean luncheon. What a guy! I know, I know, it’s just a t-shirt quilt that may be drug to Hockey games, but it’s MY quilt.