So It Ends

It is a Summer feeling day as well as a Friday.  It’s something about the jet-streams holding us in this warm weather.

Dennis came home from the clinic this morning and asked me if I wanted the good news first or the bad.  I went with the good.  His kidneys are good, his heart is good, his lungs are good.  So then I went for the bad news.  He announced I would have to put up with him for some time to come.  Let’s hear it for the ole cowboy!

Dennis’ cousin, Sally Engel from South Branch, passed away from a stroke.  Her husband Myron always sang in church.  We passed on the funeral yesterday, but Dennis’ niece and her husband from Moorhead attended and then stopped in for a visit yesterday.  A very good visit.  Last night we got a call from Dennis’ nephew Matt from Windom that his brother from Nebraska was coming for a visit and would Dennis be home for a Friday afternoon visit.  Absolutely.  This afternoon there were four Curry fellows in the patio porch as Brett joined them.  Talk about the stories that were told.  It has been quite the amount of company to round out this week.

Two-of-ManyWhile Dennis had been at the clinic here in town this morning, I walked over to the acre to see what was going on.  The tree fellows had two huge leaf blowers going and all the bits of tree tops and small branches were being blown to the fellow that had a huge rake in the front of his bob-cat he was manning.  Good thing the breeze was from the northwest as it was hard to see through the dust.  Most of the heavy equipment was already gone.  A second bob-cat with a huge bucket on the front was leveling off the dirt from all the stumps that had been taken out.  There was one large stump that was not taken out as there was a lot of old fence wire in it, around it and some grown through it.  It was right towards the lot line to the south.  They also took out three other stumps in various places where Dennis had been able to mow.  These fellows had a work order from the boss and they didn’t have a “what if” about that wire-infested stump.

I think this will calm Dennis down as it was one of the last things that had been heavy on his mind for some time.  Dennis took me for a ride after his company had left, so we could see what there was to see.  The far east half of the acre had not had any heavy equipment on it and talk about pigeon grass that had grown tall.  Tomorrow may very well be the last mowing for the summer.  I will help with the mowing as Dennis’ tail bone won’t take much sitting on it.  They told him at the clinic it would take perhaps several months before it’s not the first thing he thinks off when he goes to sit down somewhere,

No discussion about supper yet and so the busy week ends.

With that I will take my leave.  ♥