Snip, Snip – A Quiet Day
It is quiet in the town today. Virus lockdown has brought more posts and emails to come through of things canceled or closed. I do know that one of our Physician Assistants at the clinic has tested positive. As luck would have it we are set with what is needed medically.
Being the hermit that I am, this too shall pass. I am not missing out on anything. When I reflect, my mom was often on the farm for weeks at an end. Heck . . . when I think of when Orlin and I were farming in Boon Lake, it was nothing to be on the 160 acres for weeks on end. When feed concentrate was needed, Orlin would head into Buffalo Lake or Hutchinson with the pickup and do double duty of picking up what groceries we needed. At that point it was easier for me to stay home with a baby and a toddler than bundling them up.
I learned early on when there is Kevin in a baby carrier on the shopping cart and Carrie wanting to stretch her legs after the car ride into town, that little girl could make tracks. Oh so many things within reach and she had just enough reach to pick items off of the shelves and get it over the edge of the shopping cart. Oh no . . . I voluntarily stayed on the farm and left the shopping to Orlin. We never went hungry. What little was needed to add to what we had in the fruit cellar or freezer didn’t amount to much. It was usually sugar, flour, yeast and laundry soap. We pasteurized our own milk. We had it made.
Dennis is keeping busy in one or the other of garages today. It will be harder on Dennis to keep the little red pickup in the garage than anything else going on here on Stauffer Avenue. We are not quarantined, we just have no needs right now that would take us off the homestead.
There were certain scraps of fabric that I just couldn’t part with. It was an unusual fabric that I had for a quilt for Kersten. I now wish I had purchased more of it at the time. It’s very hard to find more fabric to purchase of a certain design once you leave the quilt shop. Bolts of new designs come in as fast as clothing fads. I managed to put together enough scraps of that print with other plains for a small wall hanging for the Fairfax Team.
I am taking a break from sewing before I put on the binding. As sure as I knew the previous project, a 52″ table runner, was for Carrie, as she has dark blue walls in her dining room and living room, I knew orange was the dominant color for Kevin’s home. I have really enjoyed working with the quarter inch bias tape on both of these projects. Something different to tie into embroidery. My stashes love being raided.
Today the week is half shot. Each day brings new happenings. Whatever! Each day’s events can never be duplicated or taken back. I choose to celebrate each on their own merits.
It is homemade soup night, right out of the freezer with a coldcut sandwich. Dennis’ favorite is Cervelat summer sausage. Stauffer Avenue is in good stead.