Slow and Steady
There is something within that allows for getting vested into an activity. Right now, I am not getting a good vibe about spending much time in the sewing studio. The call of the outside is beckoning.
I don’t enjoy the hot humidity. My choice is to get outside in the mornings by eight and then call it enough about 10:30. My choice then is to cool down and slow myself down by reading for a spell.
I had mentioned Crab Grass in the last days. It is nasty and it is as undesirable as a cow pie in the lawn. Hmm. Funny, it even resembles the size of a cow pie with it’s center root and the huge spread of greenery from the center.
Slow and steady is my mantra. With my trusty wheelbarrow and my potato fork, I have a mission. Ideally Crab Grass is nipped in the bud just before the lilacs pop out blossoms. Sure missed that deadline. We have had enough small showers of rain to encourage the Crab Grass. Ironically, the worst of it is right along the driveway. Starting slow I tackled it Monday morning. I pooped out quite soon.
So be it! Today, it seemed as if the plan of what tools I needed for yesterday, made it easier to get going today. At 10:30 as I called it “enough,” I had the nasty greens loaded, the area was raked, the Kentucky Blue Grass seed was down on that strip and the sprinkler was going.
Tomorrow is another day and I am not prejudging what I get done. What I know I have gotten done these last two mornings was to put out some effort and energy, making me feel that I have not wasted the God-given day. Self satisfaction . . . you can’t beat it for having a quiet soul.
For all that is going on in our world, the soul needs feeding. There are not a lot of opportunities coming from outside sources right now so it’s up to me. “It is well, it is well . . . with my soul.”